Welcome to my DTiger's Home!!!!

You are running through a strange forest when suddenly something strikes you from above. You sit up rubbing your head in pain. As soon as regain control of your sight, you look at the item that struck you. It appears to be a strange egg. You then stand up and look at your surroundings. It appears you are no longer in the forest you are in some sort of fantasy land filled with vibrant colours. Suddenly a small girl comes out of a small shrub beside you.
"Hello. My name is Fallon. I live here in this land of eternal youth and happiness. I'm the sworn protector of the land itself and all the creatures inhabiting it. I you have come to harm us in any way or decieve us I suggest you leave now. We are always one step ahead of you. We have the strongest defense in the world. The inhabitants here are peaceful as am I, but if we must fight for what we believe in then we will do just that."
You quickly reply. "No I promise! I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just an innocent traveller. I had no intention to come here."
"I believe you. Your heart seems to be pure. See the egg that struck you? That egg holds a legendary DTiger which is a beautiful crossbreed between a dragon and a tiger. They are beautiful creatures. To learn how to help your DTiger hatch and grow go to DTiger Adoptions
You quickly thank her. in a blink of an eye you are back in the forest. Believing it was just a dream, you think that a rock struck you or a large hailstone. You look down and see the egg, showing you how real the encounter with Fallon was.

This is my male adult DTiger DGingivere.

He is a handsome Rainbow DTiger. His mate's name is DJoka and she's a red DTiger. You can visit her here. He is so very happy he found her.

To the Nursery


Graphics on this page were provided by .o.diana'sdivinedesign.o. Except for the DTiger which I adopted here-DTiger Adoption